Category: Online Interreligious Events

ADAshA Events from the world!

Remembering Rightly, Remembering Wrongly:The Role of Memory in Breaking the Cycle of Violence

Sarah Bernstein and John Munayer in conversation with Miroslav Volf. What is the relationship between memory and violence? How do we remember rightly and how do we remember wrongly? And how does memory play a role in the cycle of violence? These questions are just some of what the Rossing Center’s webinar series addresses in …

Remembering Rightly, Remembering Wrongly:The Role of Memory in Breaking the Cycle of Violence Read More »

American Jewish-Evangelical Interfaith Relations and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

With Dr. Amy Weiss, Director of the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies and Assistant Professor of Judaic Studies and History, University of Hartford   JTS  summer learning series JTS Alumni in the World: Scholarship and Impact  In 1977, the American Jewish Committee awarded Billy Graham its first National Interreligious Award in recognition of the evangelist’s support of Israel and …

American Jewish-Evangelical Interfaith Relations and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Read More »

Verheißung und Erfüllung

Cordula Heupts über die “Erfüllungszitate” Antisemitismuskritische Bibelauslegungen Das christliche triumphalistische Verständnis der so genannten Erfüllungsformeln im Matthäusevangelium (wie in Mt 2,15) hat eine lange Wirkungsgeschichte. Danach seien die Verheißungen des Alten Testaments durch und in Christus so erfüllt worden, dass sie abgegolten sind. Die schematische Folge von „Verheißung“ und „Erfüllung“ wird heute noch abwertend für …

Verheißung und Erfüllung Read More »

Der Kinderfreund Jesus: Antisemitismuskritische Bibelauslegungen

Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin Das Bild Jesu als Kinderfreund ist mehr als 300 Jahre alt. Im Lauf der Zeit wurde es judenfeindlich, im 20. Jahrhundert auch rassistisch-antisemitisch aufgeladen. Wie kam es zu der auch heute noch verbreiteten Ansicht, der Kinderfreund Jesus sei das große Gegenmodell zu einem kinderfeindlichen Judentum? Welche “Argumente“ wurden dafür erfunden? Wie …

Der Kinderfreund Jesus: Antisemitismuskritische Bibelauslegungen Read More »

Christian-Jewish Relations 1000-1300: Jews in the Service of Medieval Christendom

OXFORD INTERFAITH FORUM — Book Launch This new and revised edition of Christian–Jewish Relations 1000–1300 expands its survey of medieval Christian–Jewish relations in England, Spain, France and Germany with new material on canon law, biblical exegesis and Christian–Jewish polemics, along with an updated Further Reading section. Prof Anna Sapir Abulafia’s balanced yet humane account analyses the theological, …

Christian-Jewish Relations 1000-1300: Jews in the Service of Medieval Christendom Read More »

The Origins of the First Anti-Jewish Good Friday Hymns

The Oxford Interfaith Forum is deeply honoured to welcome Professor George E. Demacopoulos, Fr. John Meyendorff & Patterson Family Chair of Orthodox Christian Studies and Professor of Theology at Fordham University, USA, to lead a session of the Eastern Christianity in Interfaith Contexts Reading Group. The oldest surviving Christian hymns designed exclusively for Holy Week are a set …

The Origins of the First Anti-Jewish Good Friday Hymns Read More »

The Boy with the Star Tattoo

American Jewish University, Summer Book Talks Join Author Talia Carner and AJU’s Michael Berenbaum as they dive into her newest novel, The Boy with the Star Tattoo. Carner’s novel delves into the stories of Jewish children hidden in Christian homes during the Holocaust, and the postwar efforts by the Youth Aliyah movement to find and rescue these orphans. Carner and Berenbaum …

The Boy with the Star Tattoo Read More »

What Does It Mean to Be a Christian Ally of Israel?

American Jewish University, President’s Speaker SeriesRevered Johnnie Moore, President of JDA Worldwide and the Congress of Christian Leaders has been called one of America’s most influential evangelical leaders and is especially known for his efforts at the intersection of faith and foreign policy.  Reverend Moore will be in conversation with AJU President Jeffrey Herbst to …

What Does It Mean to Be a Christian Ally of Israel? Read More »

Israel and the Nations: The Bible, the Rabbis, and Jewish-Gentile Relations

The Jewish-Catholic Theological Exchange Committee at Providence College is hosting an online discussion of Rabbi Eugene Korn‘s recent book Israel and the Nations: The Bible, the Rabbis, and Jewish-Gentile Relations (Academic Studies Press, 2023). Rabbi Korn will give a presentation, followed by a response from Dr. Mary C. Boys (Union Theological Seminary) and Q&A.  Registration